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Blog posts : "Politics"

No Drilling in the Atlantic Ocean!

President Obama administration has ban drilling in the Atlantic Ocean for years to come, citing climate change as well as a means to reduce carbon pollution. Governors of North and South Carolina as well as Virginia are for drilling along their coasts, which is an indication that both political part…

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RIP - Supreme Ct. Justice Antonin Scalia Dead at age 79

President Obama will be nominating his 3rd Supreme Ct. Justice of the United State of America. Since taking office President Obama has appointed Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.  There are currently 4 Democrats  and 4 Republican judges on the bench and many Republicans are signaling the need to …

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Police on high alert for Feb 25th election

Prime Minister Portia Simpson has called for general election, and many are now wondering if it was a calculating move to do so before the scheduled budget was made available to the public.  It is no secret that many Jamaicans are unhappy with the raising cost of staple food goods which is tied to i…

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"The Elephant Not In The Room!"

On Thursday night January 28th, the 7th Republican Presidential debate was overshadowed by the frontrunner Donald J. Trump's absence.  The debate definitely had some fireworks, but was at times a tad boring.  However, on twitter world Donald Trump did not disappoint and continued with his regular tw…

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Shame On Parliament!

Here we go again! Another public trashing of ‪#‎LisaHanna‬ NOT for her job performance, but her outfit! Father Richard Ho Lung shared his obsession in 2014 now others feel the need to do the same. Fellow parliamentarian says "trousers too tight" and calls her a Jezebel!! SMDH


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5 Blog Posts